
ข้อที่ 1)
ดูตารางต่อไปนี้แล้วตอบคำถาม1-5A. Look at the menu and read the conversation, then answer the questions.
Hamburger 39
Super Burger 59
Fish Sandwich 49
French Fries 29 /19
hot apple pie 19
coffee 25
Coke 15/25
orange juice 25
Shake 35
Waiter:May I take your order?
Customer:Yes, I would like a hamburger and French Fries, please.
Waiter:All right. And would you like an apple pie?
Customer:Yes, I'll have a hot apple pie.
Waiter:O.K. And would you like anything to drink?
Customer :Yes, I would like an orange juice, please.

1. How much does a large coke cost?

   a.59 baht

   b.49 baht

   c.35 baht

   d.25 baht

ข้อที่ 2)
Does the customer order small French Fries?

   Yes, he does

   No, he doesn't

   Yes, he is

   No, he isn't.

ข้อที่ 3)
How many things does the customer order?





ข้อที่ 4)
How much does the total cost?

   Sixty-eight baht.

   One hundred and ten baht.

   Eighty-seven baht

   One hundred and twelve baht.

ข้อที่ 5)
What is the most expensive?

   Super burger


   Fish Sandwich.

   French fries

ข้อที่ 6)
How much is a kilo of beef?

   Ninety baht.

   Sixty-five baht.

   Sixty baht

   Sixteen baht.

ข้อที่ 7)
How mwch are two kilos of pork ?

   Eighty baht

   Sixty-five baht.

   One hundred and eighty baht.

   One hundred and sixty baht.

ข้อที่ 8)
How much are three chickens and two ducks?

   Four hundred and fifty baht.

   Three hundred and sixty baht.

   Eight hundred and ten baht.

   One hundred and fifty baht.

ข้อที่ 9)
What is cheaper than sausage?



   beef and pork

   fish and chicken

ข้อที่ 10)
How much are two kilos of sausage?

   One hundred and eighty baht.

   One hundred and ninety baht.

   Two hundred and twenty baht.

   Three hundred and sixty baht.